Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daily Office Reflection: It's Christmas Eve!

MP: Psalms 45, 46; Isaiah 35:1-10 Revelation 22:12-17,21; Luke 1:67-80
EP: Psalm 89:1-29; Isaiah 39:15b-2:1; Philippians 2:5-11

All the waiting is over tomorrow morning (or perhaps this evening). All the anticipation will reach its peak tomorrow morning (or perhaps this evening). The Advent Blue goes away and the Celebration White comes out! The creche scene has the baby placed in its manger...although the three kings are still a ways off.... And at home, the feasts are being prepared to be enjoyed, both tonight and tomorrow. The wrapping is done and awaits to be undone!

So much work, so much anticipation, so much of the secular meeting the religious in a clash that somehow can meld into a melodious rhythm. That meld takes some work in order for it to be melodious and not cacophonous. That meld can help make what can seem like a meaningless and empty time into a special and holy and tranquil and centering time. Special and holy and tranquil and centering because we celebrate tonight and tomorrow the birth of Jesus Christ, God among us, fully divine and fully human. We celebrate a mystery. We celebrate a love that is beyond our understanding. But a love nonetheless that God has for each and everyone of us. Each and everyone of us. Take that love, cherish it and push it out onto others who need to know about it. The easiest way to make that transfer is to love those you are with, to love those you meet. God is in the middle of those meetings, of those transfers of love, and that is centering. That is tranquil. That is holy. That is special. 

God's Peace be unto all of us.

Copyright 2008, John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.

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