We are gifted in Mark today the two healing stories of Jarius' 12 year old daughter and the hemorragic woman. They are remarkable accounts of Jesus' care and love for those who reach out to him. At the end of today's Gospel section we hear that there was great joy and amazement at the girl's arising and that Jesus orders all those present to remain silent and told them "to give her something to eat."
I am struck by the ending of this Gospel story. It is almost as if Jesus is saying, Enough already, get over it, this is what I do And for God's-sake will someone get this poor child something to eat? This is what Jesus does, without desired fanfare or attention. As the Nike ad goes: Just Do It. Jesus is setting a model for us to follow in our work as the Body of Christ in the world today. He is also asking us to reflect on our motives and our actions in doing those things that make the kingdom's presence felt, here and now.
In Holy Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints, we remember today the Ordination of Florence Li Tim-Oi. She was the first woman ordained a priest in the Anglican world. This magnificent act was done by Bishop Ronald Hall of Hong Kong, during the occupation of Hong Kong in World War II. After the war, the Bishop's actions raised quite a ruckus and his response was to always treat Florence Li Tim-Oi as a priest, and ask her to act out her ordination responsibilities to that order. He was saying, in a manner of speaking, This is what she does, get over it.
We are challenged today to look at our lives and reflect on what it is we are called upon to do, own that (or those) thing(s) and get on with the work of building the kingdom without fanfare and trumpets announcing our work. We are asked today to think about shrugging our shoulders and approaching those responsibilities with an attitude of This is what I do. This is a good way to begin the week.
Copyright 2011, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
Your thoughts parallel our EfM discussion last Wednesday. We discussed the story of Martha and Mary. We boiled the theme down to activity vs. activity with a purpose . . . "sound and fury signifying nothing" vs. meaningful work.