Webster's Dictionary defines epiphany as a sudden realization or understanding. The word comes from Greek roots, with the Greek word meaning manifestation of power. They both fit this feast day we celebrate today. The three Gentile kings are remembered today as reaching the Incarnate God child's side and they present him with gifts. I hope those who are attending services today are gifted with gold thuribles scenting the air with the pungency of frankincense.
Christmas is over today and Epiphanytide begins. This time-flexible season where we explore God's power in the manifestation of Jesus' ministry. Where we are gifted the opportunity to have those sudden realizations about God's loving presence in our life. Where a blinding light of understanding can change how we see and operate in the world.
May this season be epiphanic to all who wonder about the joy of God's love which God has for each one of us.
Copyright 2011, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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