Today is the "official" institution of Holy Eucharist in our Gospel reading. The four-fold action of the Eucharist (taking, blessing, breaking, giving) that Jesus has done at other times in the Gospel is solemnized at the Passover meal he shared with his disciples with his words: Take, this is my body, and This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. And then he tells them he will never drink the like of it again.
Just before this Jesus tells the disciples he is going to be betrayed by one of them. This betrayal is the reason for the picture choice this morning. Jesus is headed to that frightening day.
I find it hard to stay in this moment of Maundy Thursday, and find it even harder to stay in Good Friday.....I want to leap ahead to the Vigil and Easter Sunday morning. But I am going to struggle on, trying to live into this rich liturgical day. Come help me do this by attending a Maundy Thursday service and wash someone's feet or witness the stripping of the altar.
Live into this day with me. Every time we do this, it changes us.
Copyright 2010, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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