In our MP Gospel reading we have Jesus letting Peter know that he (and the rest) will betray him in their own ways, while in our EP Gospel we have Jesus being buried in Joseph of Arimathea's own new tomb, a quiet follower of Jesus whose faith grew as Jesus' story unfolds in John's Gospel.
So, in these two readings we see part of the breadth of life experiences and some very true human traits portrayed in all there horror and glory. We have devoted friends and folllowers, who swear allegiance and then when the going gets really tough are no where to be found. And we have a person who was on the sidelines, watching, with lots of questions, a person who was part of the ruling religious class, being effected in ways by Jesus' ministry that he didn't understand, who in a tragic moment of sorrow acts in very loving and compassionate manner. All very human....all very true.
We remember and mourn that the human Jesus died today. And there is great sadness in that fact.
Copyright 2010, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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