Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily Office Reflection: Perceiving, Hearing, With Open Hearts

Psalms 80 * 77 (79); Leviticus 25: 35-55; Colossians 1:9-14; Matthew 13:1-6
Wet Feet, 2010, jfd+

We continue in today's passage from Matthew with the interiority theme, and the idea of secrecy that are so pervasive in this Gospel. 

The parable of the sower is familiar, and being so can go unheard. There is irony in that because so much of this passage has to do with perceiving what see and understanding what we hear, and allowing ourselves the opportunity for all those things heard and seen to change our heart. As Jesus says: we should not have dulled hearts, or clogged ears, or closed eyes, so that we may see, and hear, and understand with our heart, and turn.... 

Jesus is asking for honesty today (and throughout these recent Daily Office readings). Honest perception. Honest evaluation. No facades can remain standing in front of looking, hearing and "hearting". Jesus is not demanding that we be always perfect: for none of us ever will be perfect in all things, to all people, or to ourselves. Jesus is demanding honesty. From the realizations that come from honesty, we can and do find a place where our hearts are changed, our ability to perceive what is around us is clearer, and we hear what people are saying far more acutely. 

Taking time today to perceive, truly hear, and let our hearts be changed is what we are called to strive for in this passage. Can we do "all of it" at once? Unlikely. Can we make a start today? Yes. Can we continue this open-ended work? Absolutely.

Copyright 2012, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.

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