Jesus' sights are set on Jerusalem, and he is headed there in today's reading from Mark, passing through Jericho on the way. Upon leaving Jericho, a blind individual, sitting by the side of the road, starts yelling for mercy. Those around him tell him to hush, but Bartimaeus ignores them and keeps on shouting, Help me! Have mercy on me!. Jesus pauses and does have mercy upon him, calling him forward asking Bartimaeus what he wants. Barty responds My teacher, let me see again, and Jesus tells him your faith has made you well.
We can be so blinded to all that is around us, immune from the troubles, misfortunes, and down-right cruelty of the world that surrounds us. We all need to have Jesus' mercy thrust upon us, allowing our eyes to be truly opened and to follow him on the way. And to mimic his actions along the way.
The DO lectionary creators put the perfect reading for this last day before we enter into Holy Week. I pray that all of us may truly see, may truly follow Jesus on the way this coming week. Truly have our eyes opened to see, and be in, and help the building of this kingdom Jesus opens for each and every one of us.
In Holy Women, Holy Men we celebrate John Donne today, a great poet and preacher of the 17th Century. In that Collect we pray: Open our eyes to see, with your servant John Donne, that whatever has any being is a mirror in which we may behold you. A wonderful prayer to live into as we willingly follow Jesus on this Holy Week walk.
Copyright 2012, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Provincetown Harbor, 2007, jfd+
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