Jesus says in our Gospel reading from John today, I ask not only on behalf of these (his disciples), but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. Just a terrific verse to have this day before the first Sunday in Lent. For what else are we, but those who struggle to have faith and belief because of "their word?"
Lent is a the perfect liturgical season in which to struggle, consciously and with intent, with putting words and prayer to our faith and belief. To try and put a re-examined framework around our understanding of the Passion for which we prepare. We do this every year, because with each passing year, we are different, we have changed. How do those changes in our life impact our belief and faith? How have they been tested? Strengthened? Challenged? Weakened? Where do we find an absence, a void, in our life?
Wherever we are in our own individual journey, Jesus is with us, in us, interceding on our behalf, because, like those disciples, we continue to struggle with our faith and belief. We do this individually and we do this corporately. Individually, with our efforts to pray and work toward making the kingdom a reality. Corporately, by praying and working within whatever community of believers we are graced to find ourselves a part, whether small or large in number.
We do not do this alone, the one whom we struggle to have faith and belief in, is with us, always.
Copyright 2012, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved
Art: Stations 5-8, jfd+, 2012
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