Friday, January 13, 2012

Daily Office Reflection: Mary and Jesus

Psalms 16, 17 * 22; Genesis 6:1-8; Hebrews 3:12-19; John 2:1-12

Jesus has a lot of Marys in his life. Today, in our Gospel reading from John, we have his mom strongly suggesting to him what he should do about this wine situation at the wedding they are attending. Like many children, he gives an "ahh, mom, cut it out. Can't you see I'm busy having a good time here?" But she knows him so very well, that she tells the steward to pay attention to him because he can fix this wine fiasco. And he does.

She knows him so very well. Who do we have in our lives that knows us like Mary knows her son? Who can we brush off, and yet that seed, that kernel of "yeah, I should do this thing" stays with us, urging us to do what is asked, which is often the right thing for us to do (much to our distress).

God knows each of us like this. God knows us, so very well, and urges us to do those right things. That small, sane voice that nudges us when we are heading down a path that might not be the best for us, is like Mary nudging Jesus to do the right thing. To pay attention to the larger picture of what is going on around us, and not be so worried about having a good time at that present moment.....Where are we being urged by our sane, small voice to turn water into wine, and help change the world?

Copyright 2012, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved
Photo: P-Town Flats at Sunrise, 2008, jfd+

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