We end our church calendar year today with a Gospel reading from Matthew. Jesus is headed toward Jerusalem and has just passed through Jericho. On leaving the town two blind individuals shout out their belief in Jesus' ability to help them. They persist through attempts at hushing them and Jesus stops and asks them what they want.
He asks them what they want. An auspicious reading as we enter Advent and the Holiday season. What do we want? World peace? The end of hunger and poverty and socio-economic and cultural inequality? Peace of mind and heart and soul? The end of loneliness? Cures for untreatable illnesses? A way out of difficult situations in which we find ourselves? A way forward in a challenging relationship? What would we ask for if presented with an opportunity to respond to Jesus asking us What do you want me to do for you?
The two outside of Jericho asked that their eyes be opened. For what do we need to have our eyes opened? What blinders can we remove through prayer, and asking God for help, so that we can see anew? How do we get fresh eyesight for a new church calendar year?
Copyright 2011, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: VTS, 2004, jfd+
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