Monday, May 2, 2011

Daily Office Reflection: Defining Eternal Life

Psalms: 1, 2, 3 * 4, 7; Daniel 1:1-21; 1 John 1:1-10; John 17:1-11

We have a part of Jesus' long goodbye to his disciples in today's selection from the Gospel of John. In these verses Jesus is talking, praying, to God. He, at times, seems a bit defensive: I have done everything you have sent me to do; I have made your name (God's) known to those you sent me. And, Jesus says something that intrigues me: "And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ who you have sent."

That is just a fascinating verse. The key to unlock the door to eternal life is.....knowledge of God and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Gosh, how simple is that.....and how complicated. Here, toward the end of the Gospel of John, we are given the definition of eternal life. It seems that Jesus is driving us toward this notion that the Kingdom that is opened by his presence and ministry on earth, a replica of which can be created here and now, is available to any and all who accept this knowledge of God and Jesus. And we, those trying to figure this out, are the ones who spread the joy of this news of eternal life.

This is a different kind of life than that which we are used to living. And although Jesus makes our being able to grasp and attain eternal life so simple, and in a way it is so is also tremendously difficult and confusing.....And yet, we have been gifted the key this morning. A good verse to noodle today and with which to start this Second Week of Easter.

Copyright 2011, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Flowering Dogwood @ VTS, 2007, jfd+

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