In Holy Women, Holy Men (HWHM) today we remember Mary, Martha and Lazarus. A week ago it was Mary Magdalene's day. HWHM reminds us of the various Gospel accounts in Luke and John about the very deep-seated friendship and love that existed between those four people. Certainly there was an equal affection and dedication shown by Mary Magdalene to and reciprocated by Jesus.
When we are blessed with the gift of having friends in our lives with whom we have a deep connection, there is a special bond, a special love that is unlike any other. It is in both good times and uncertain and hard times that we come to really count on those folks who are bound to our heart in friendship's love. In our Gospel account today, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sit adjacent to the tomb in which Jesus' wrapped body lays quiet. We don't know who this other Mary is, but I like to think it is Martha and Lazarus' sister. Friends-to-the-end, there to mourn, remember, still love, support one another. HWHM says: Mary, Martha and Lazuras' (I'm going to add Mary Magdalene too).....hospitality and kindness, and Jesus' enjoyment of their company, show us the beauty of human friendship and love at its best.
The beauty of human friendship and love at its best.... even onto the end....... a good thing to chew on today.
Copyright 2010, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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