We hear Mark have Jesus use the phrase "Let anyone with ears to hear listen!" quite often in this Gospel. Let anyone. Let anyone with ears. Let anyone with ears to hear. Let anyone with ears to hear listen! Isn't that just a great turn of phrase? Besides being a fun turn of phrase to let roll off our tongues, this also says something theological. This phrase says something deeply meaningful about Jesus' ministry, about to whom God is talking. That is you and me and the person across the room from us who we just can't stand. It is the homeless person we pass everyday on our way to work. It is the avowed unbeliever. It is the deaf person who can hear in other ways than through their ears.
It is everyone and anyone who opens their ears to hear, their eyes to see, their minds to open, their hearts to feel, their souls to sing.
What a wonderful gift to begin the day with.
Copyright 2009, The Rev. John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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