Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daily Office Reflection: Being Real

Psalms 131, 132 (133) * 134, 135; Hosea 3:1-8; Acts 24:1-23; Luke 7:36-50

We have an unnamed sinful woman bathing Jesus' feet with ointment and hot tears today, while he sits at meal with Pharisees. Jesus is, of course, criticized for allowing a sinful woman to do this to him and Jesus responds by talking about forgiveness. Who is being more truthful in their approach to Jesus: the Pharisees in their invitation to Jesus to dine with them or this woman who is defined as sinful? Which of the two is more open, honest and real about who they are and what they have done?

I think one of the things this Gospel asks us to reflect about is: how are we perceived and how do we act in the world. Are we authentically ourselves? Do we wear our Christian faith on our sleeves for all to see by how we act and what we do? Or are we more like the pharisees? One will probably bring us easy friends and a shallow existence while the other will bring true friends, granted probably fewer in number, and a rich and full existence.

Copyright 2008, John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved. 

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