Words carry such heavy weight to them: they can cause such great joy and great pain. Being careful in the choice of words utilized is essential to accurately expressing oneself. And it is so easy to use inappropriate words when we are angry or agitated or tired or just plain fed up. It is kind of like having a filter between the thoughts in your head and your vocal chords allowing a pause for thought before saying something.
We have Jesus as a model who was direct in the things he said and at the same time careful in the things he said, in the way he phrased those thoughts, in the stories he told, in the parables he created to illumine the kingdom of heaven he was proclaiming.
Injudicious reactivity will almost always prove harmful: to the one(s) to whom it is directed but just as injurious to the one who speaks it.
Copyright 2008, John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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