if you have the faith of a mustard seed... nothing will be impossible for you.
Our church marched in the DC Pride Parade on Saturday evening. 'Twas a rainy affair this year. The Bishop of Washington was there with us riding in his own convertible (provided by St. Thomas'). Our rector and I rode in our own convertible (provided by our senior warden and his partner), throwing beads and mints that contained St. T's logo and website address. We were amazed how many people stayed to watch the parade, despite the rain. I was amazed how many people came up to the car to take beads, candy but many just wanted to "high five" us. There was genuine excitement in their faces and in their eyes. I saw that they saw possibility by our presence. Possibility of acceptance, possibility of love, possibility that something they know deep down in their true inner selves could be awakened: that they could be in a spiritual home that affirms who they are and how God made them.
That spark, that hope is such a fragile thing, much like faith can be. Yet a little faith, the size of a mustard seed (a tiny seed at that) is enough. It is enough to make the seemingly impossible happen, chief among those impossible things, is the sure and confident knowledge that we are loved, for who we are. So many people have been damaged by the intolerance and narrow-minded focus of religious leaders. Mustard seeds are tough things, that can survive lots of torment. So is that mustard seed of faith that resides deep within us, on which we need to lean in order to survive. For God's deep and abiding love exists for each one of us. That is something worth striving for, and the mountains that we place in the way and that are placed in our way of finding that love can be moved by a small seed of faith, from which unimaginable beauty can grow.
Copyright 2008, John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved.
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