Easter fell very early this year: it could only have fallen earlier by one day in the church calendar. Which means everything else is earlier in the year too: like Pentecost and the season of Pentecost, which we are now in until Advent in December. My that seems like a long way off: half a year in fact. So much seems to be crammed into this first six months of the church calendar year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, the Easter Season, Pentecost and now we are in the "deep green" season where the liturgical color (mostly) will stay unrelenting green. No more blues, whites, purples, and reds, except for high holy days, marriages, funerals, or ordinations.
We are settling into a kind of long normalcy in the church calendar. But are we? The church calendar mimics life to some extent, where we have these events in life, big, glorious and memorable, surrounded by "normalcy". But life is never really normal, no matter how much we may try to make it that way. And if we listen to our Gospel readings, none of them will allow us to accept normalcy as the norm. Just as the two blind men are told when they are healed: according to your faith, let it be done to you, so too our lives can and will be spectacularly normal, if we live into our faith and see the daily miracles that happen all around us. We can make the long normalcy of the Pentecost Season be extraordinary by our faith: by really seeing, with wide open eyes, the world around us. It will be astounding.
Copyright 2008, John F. Dwyer. All Rights Reserved
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